Last night, I was using a Bluetooth speaker - made by Logitech - with my Nexus 7 but kept loosing connectivity. I went ahead and paired with another speaker from a different manufacturer and kept havi ...

Last night I fell asleep while watching a movie. My battery was already low so I assume the charge ran out. Now, my Nexus 7 will not recharge. What now?! ...

I just turned on full disk encryption and spent a little over an hour waiting for the process to finish. My wonderful little tablet, which used to be fast, is now moving like a bloated pig. Is this th ...

My screen flickers in a very annoying way. I have noticed this typically occurs when I am in low lighting conditions. Is this unique to my device or has anyone else had similar issues? ...

I moved my music from iTunes to my Nexus 7 (via my Google Play Music Manager). However, I can't seem to play any of my music without using my WiFi connection. As you can imagine, this sucks. How do I ...

I am looking for full screen boot animations. Most of the ones I have found are tiny and I want something that has more of a visual impact. Suggestions? ...

I being a big dumb-ass bought two different Palm devices.Which are not really expensive paper weights on my desk at work. However, I just saw this, which I wanted to share:How to Add Inductive Chargin ...

Obviously Google doesn't expect people to use the camera on the Nexus 7 since I can't seem to find an app on the tablet.Any recommendations before I go bore myself in the Play store?Image Credit troll ...

Anyone out there got one? I need one that can operate in the United States and overseas across multiple frequencies.Any recommendations? ...

What is the fastest (and best) way to create a call rejection list? I want to also have the ability to play specific messages to certain numbers. Can I do this through my carrier or do I need to downl ...